The health and safety of our employees, our customers and the public is one of our highest priorities.As a service company, our main resource is our workforce, whose efforts, expertise and experience are invaluable. We intend to make our health and safety efforts so successful that prevention and elimination of accidents, injuries and job related illnesses become not just a goal but also a way of life.
CSMS consists of the following six stages :
Risk Assessment
As the Clients determine the nature and level of risk, we have demonstrated thatwe categorized as High Risk type of scope of work.
Contractor Selection
We have established rank HSE aspect to be able to qualifying tender requirement.
Pre-Job Evaluation
As the HSE plan specific for the scope of work is communicated to client with our competent HSE organization and make sure is understood and planned properly
Work On Progress phase evaluation
Our HSE Management has continuosly rmanage the HSE perfromance throughout the contract periode and ensure that the HSE performance meets the clients expectation.
Final Evaluation
Our HSE performa nee during the end of contract has improves significantly as number of HSE recognition has been received.